Would you like your car to always look clean? Then wash it!

Car washing is easy. However, sometimes this is not done correctly, which can lead to scratches and other marks, remove the wax coating from the car, and leave water spots on the paint.

That is why here we giving you some useful tips that will help you improve the way you wash your car.

Use sand bumpers on your buckets - this is a metal or plastic screen that sits in the bottom of the bucket of water. Used to trap dirt and mud on the underside when rinsed with a sponge or wash mitt. The particles sink out of the bucket and prevent them from sticking back to the car.

Dry it: use a towel to dry wide surfaces like the ceiling. Hold the corners of the towel and lay it flat on the cart. Slowly drag the towel towards you as you wipe it across the surface. This will reduce swirl marks and dry out the water.

Wash in sections: if your car is large, wash it in parts. The goal is to rinse the car before the soapy water dries, so stains and stains don't appear. By washing the car in parts, you can be sure that you can rinse with the soap and water before the car dries completely. Give the car one last rinse to completely remove the soap and finally dry it.

Remove dust and dirt: first rinse the car before washing, top to bottom, front to back. You can use a regular hose for this. It is essential to clean all the dirt, such as mud, bird droppings, dead insects, tree sap, etc. because they can damage the paint during washing and appear scratches.

Do not wash in direct sunlight: this can cause the body to heat up, causing soap and water to dry quickly and stain paint and glass. Better to wash in the shade or in the early hours of the morning or in the afternoon when there is little sun, to keep the car humid and then dry it.

Start with the wheels first: We recommend washing the wheels first, because they are the first to get dirty. Use a separate bucket of water for the wheels. Don't use the same water to clean the entire car.

Use Two Buckets: Use two buckets of water to wash your car. Use one bucket for soapy water and the other for clean water. Rinse the sponge in the clean water before dipping it into the soapy water.

Use microfiber towels to dry it: Do not use common cotton or polyester towels because they are too abrasive and harsh and can wear away the paint on your car. Microfiber drying towels are much softer, more absorbent, and will dry your car faster. These towels also do not leave scratches or marks on your car paint.

Get the right soap: always use a soap that is especially used for washing cars. Do not use common dish soap, shampoo, or detergents. These contain chemicals that can wear down the wax coating and dull the car's paint finish.

Do not wipe off dirt using a dry towel: if you do it with a dirty surface with a dry towel, you will scrape the paint, and swirl marks will appear.

Proper maintenance of your car will extend the life of your car and also retain its value. To read more articles for a better maintenance of your vehicle, and other related news about cars, visit mekenan.com And if you want to meet car dealers and dealers click here: mekenan.com