The Armenia's Single Window for Automotive (ASWA) platform has become a point of contention for Armenian insurance companies, leading to concerns about additional losses and operational challenges. Hayk ARAKELYAN, representing the Union of Insurance Agents, has raised issues regarding the platform's impact on insurance pricing, agent opportunities, and the financial burden imposed by the software costs.


Concerns Raised by ARAKELYAN:

ARAKELYAN and the Union of Insurance Agents express dissatisfaction with the ASWA platform, highlighting potential price increases for Mandatory Third-Party Liability (MTPL) insurance and reduced opportunities for insurance agents. The high service cost of the ASWA software, amounting to AMD 1-1.5 billion per year, poses financial challenges for insurers amidst a rise in compensation claims.

Proposed Solutions by ARAKELYAN:

ARAKELYAN proposes a cost-effective alternative to the ASWA platform, advocating for a locally-designed software solution that offers greater affordability and efficiency. He stresses the importance of engaging with local insurance companies to understand their specific needs and concerns, ensuring that the new platform effectively meets industry requirements. By consulting with these stakeholders, the proposed solution can be tailored to address the unique challenges faced by local insurers, ultimately providing a more suitable and efficient option compared to existing platforms. This approach aims to enhance the overall functionality and cost-effectiveness of insurance operations.

Overview of the ASWA Platform:

Launched on November 1, 2017, the ASWA platform serves as a digital hub for managing vehicle insurance-related cases in Armenia. It facilitates online contract agreements, data exchange between insurance companies, traffic police, and contract databases, streamlining insurance processes and data analysis.

Impact on Insurance Operations:

The integration of the ASWA platform with diverse systems has undoubtedly streamlined insurance operations, yet it also presents challenges for insurance companies. While the platform's online sales approach enhances accessibility for customers, it can introduce pricing complexities and diminish opportunities for traditional agents. This shift prompts a necessary reassessment of the platform's cost-effectiveness and operational efficiency. Insurance companies must navigate the delicate balance between leveraging technological advancements for improved service delivery and ensuring the continued viability of their traditional distribution channels. Addressing these challenges entails refining pricing strategies, optimizing agent roles, and enhancing customer engagement to maintain competitiveness in an evolving market landscape. Ultimately, successfully managing the integration of the ASWA platform requires a strategic approach that prioritizes innovation while mitigating potential disruptions to existing business models.


The ASWA platform in Armenia has brought both benefits and challenges to the insurance industry, particularly impacting insurance companies and agents. The concerns raised by ARAKELYAN underscore the need for a balanced approach to address software costs, pricing implications, and operational efficiency. Collaborative efforts between stakeholders, including insurers, the Union of Insurance Agents, and regulatory bodies, are essential to navigate the complexities posed by the ASWA platform and ensure a sustainable and effective insurance ecosystem in Armenia.