An engine is a complex machine that An engine is a sophisticated piece of machinery that transforms fuel into energy for powering a vehicle. 
Understanding how an engine works can help you maintain and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. Here are five essential points to understand how an engine works:

The Four-Stroke Cycle 

The engine uses a four-step intake, compression, combustion, and exhaust convert fuel into energy. This cycle consists of four steps: intake, compression, combustion, and exhaust. Each step plays a critical role in the engine's operation.

Fuel Injection System 

Modern engines use a fuel injection system to supply fuel to the engine. This system delivers fuel to the engine at the right pressure, volume, and timing, ensuring optimal combustion and fuel efficiency.

Cooling System 

The engine generates much heat during operation, which can cause damage if not controlled. Therefore, the cooling system circulates coolant through the engine to dissipate heat and maintain optimal operating temperatures.

Lubrication System 

The engine has many moving parts that must be lubricated to prevent friction and wear. The lubrication system circulates oil through the engine to provide lubrication to all the moving parts.

Ignition System 

The ignition system provides A spark to ignite the fuel and air mixture in the engine's cylinders. This spark causes combustion, which generates the energy needed to propel the vehicle.